Ibrahim Gharbi

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Technical skills

Cross-Platform : Flutter, Kotlin multiplatform, PWA/Cordova/Xamarin...
Android development : Kotlin, Android SDK/NDK, Compose
iOS development : Swift, UIKit, Objective C
CI/CD, Quality/Reporting/Tests/Deploy, PaaS infra for mobile (Docker, macOS ESXi)
IoT, Wearables development (WearOS, WatchKit)

Professional skills

Mobile development & design consultant
Trainer (ISEN & EFFICOM )
Communication & Animation (Google Devfest Lille organizer, Worldline Techforum speaker)
Agile methodology (Scrum)
Team Management

Work Experience

August 2022 - Today

Developer Relations Engineer

Tech at Worldline - Web, UX & Mobile

Lille, FR

Feb 2020 - July 2022


Worldline, Microsoft/Linux DevOps competence center

Lille, FR

Agility and PaaS deployment move (Gitlab/Terraform/Puppet)
o Direct management of 12 people (FR,NL,BE,GE,PO)
o Coaching of a junior manager responsible of 6 collaborators (FR/AR)

Linux DevOps team (20k servers) - 2021 milestones
o Orchestration: Support deployment of complex applications with advanced deployment strategies
o Enable Deployments on Kubernetes based cloud platforms
o New software use cases with ANSIBLE as standard (in addition to Puppet)
o 2FA Authentication upgrade (RedHat SSO)

MS Windows team (3k servers) - 2021 milestones
o Thorough review of the security architecture (McAfee to Defender, SCOM based monitoring)
o Auditability improved on PCI environnements ( PowerBI based)
o Vulnerability management (Rationalization of Microsoft Tuesday patching SCCM based)
o Improve Windows servers integration (Configuration Management Database)

Budget owner of service licensing and maintenance (2M€) (Atlassian, Gitlab…)

May 2016 - Feb 2020 (4 years)


Worldline,global support & expert community

Lille, FR

Android, iOS, cross-platform expertise
o Presales (App & Evolutions costing, proof of concepts)
o Consultant, mobile project technical scope

Product owner of mobile DevSecOps on-premise platform
o 3000 mobile projects hosted
o CI/CD, quality reporting, tests & store distribution. (GitlabCI, Docker, ESXi macOS)
o Management of 3 people (France/India/Armenia)
o Agile SCRUM methodology

Mobile community animation
o ~150 mobile developers worldwide (UK/Spain/France/India)
o Social network space management
o Bimonthly meetups with external guests (Facebook, Google, Netflix engineers...)
o Company blog article writer & conference speaker

Full Organization of an innovation tour at the Silicon Valley for 10 company experts (100k budget)

Member of the Atos expert community

Jun 2013 - Apr 2016 (3 years)


Worldline, Merchant services

Lille, FR

Experience in transactional banking and distribution (m-payment)
o Security (One Time Password, session token, encryption, certificate management, smartphone strong authentication solution in connected mode)
o P2P payment, payment wallet, contactless payment (NFC)
o Budget management (summary graphics)
o Product catalog (multi-level cache)
o Purchase tunnel

Mobility referent within client workshops, implementation of multi-terminal mobile architectures (Smartphone & tablets)
o Technical management of projects, training of employees in mobile CI/CD (distribution, quality, performance audit)
o Pre-sales (application costing, evolution, feasibility demonstration, consulting and support for the mobility of customers and other business units).

App references
o CoursesU.com (SystèmeU)
o MSSanté (ASIP santé)
o McDonalds
o McCafé

Jul 2011 - Jun 2013 (2 years)


Worldline, , Bank, Finance & Insurance

Lyon, FR

Specification and development of mobile applications, Android expertise, operation of services in production
o NDK and SDK development for Android, iOS, Blackberry 5-6-7, hybrid applications (Cordova), JavaEE

App references
o L'Appli (Société Générale)
o Paylib (Société Général)
o Paylib (La Banque Postale),
o Mes Transferts (BNP)

May 2010 - Oct 2010 (6 month)

Intern as mobile Developer

Worldline, Bank Finance & Insurance

Lyon, FR

Creation of a mobile transactional service for a banking organization
o Functional study of the service
o Realization of the application.

Feb 2009 - Jul 2009 (6 month)

Intern as Web Developer

Orange, Internet services IT Operations and maintenance

Lyon, FR

Industrialization of daily quality of service reports for Orange France DNS platforms
o Technical follow-up of the project
o Design of the application
o Development of the application

Feb 2008 - Jul 2008 (6 month)

Intern as Web Developer

EOLAS, groupe Business & Decision

Grenoble, FR

Redesign of the MyEolas intranet ;Interface for the administration and use of the customer base, management of the company's life and invoicing
o Training on the Orange network topology
o Extraction of QOS metrics (Perl, Shell, Unix)
o Creation of an interface to generate and consult operational and application reports (HTML5, CSS3, Zend Framework).



HEC Paris

HEC/Worldline executive education

Paris, FR

From 2008-2011

Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA)

Engineering degree, Telecommunications Services and Uses Department

Lyon, FR

2010-2011 (6 month)

Aalto University School of Science

Department Of Computer Science and Engineering (Academic Exchange)

Helsinki, FI

o Embedded system project: creation of a remote controlled car with cruise control
o Realization of a powerpoint distributed on Meego OS and Android
o R&D: participation to the porting of the Host Identity network protocol on Android.

From 2006 to 2008 (2 Years)

Université Grenoble Alpes

University Diploma in Technology (DUT), Network & telecommunication (GTR)

Grenoble, FR


Saint Adrien La Salle

Scientific Baccalaureate

Lille, FR

Speaker at

September 2024

DroidKaigi 2024

You will 💜 Becoming a fullstack developer with your Android skills

Tokyo, Japan 🇯🇵

Kotlin is much more than just a language; it is a complete ecosystem! From backend development to cross-platform front-end development, and even data science, it is everywhere. This is part of the DNA of Kotlin since its creation and grows exponentially especially with the latest Google IO and KotlinConf 2024. This talk demonstrates how Android devs can easily become fullstack using their existing Kotlin skills. We will share three demos covering different stacks of development including exotic and funny ones. We will achieve all of this by keeping our favorite Jetpack libraries (such as navigation, Room and preferences datastore) and integrating new ones (such as Ktor client/server, DataFrame). By the end of this presentation, you will be delighted to realize how easy and pleasant it is to kick-start development for other targets than Android. Indeed, in addition to iOS, desktop, web, backend, and data-science apps, even more app stacks are already in your reach.

June 19th 2024

Techforum France 2024

You'll 💜 Kotlin and not only for Android

Seclin, France 🇫🇷

Are you not passionate about server-side development? For many Android developers, it is challenging to delve into backend or web technologies (too much object-oriented, verbose and/or outdated languages, dynamic typing, etc.). With the evolution of Kotlin, now everything is possible. The idea of this conference is to show you Kotlin's advances in frontend development through Compose multiplatform (mobile, desktop, and web) and full stack development with KMP. We will also discuss the perspectives and exciting future of the ecosystem.

April 29th 2024

MixIT 2024

Développement front et back en Kotlin. Une visite guidée de KMP (Workshop)

Lyon, France 🇫🇷

Kotlin et son écosystème riche est un véritable couteau suisse qui permet de développer facilement de nombreux types d'applications : serveurs, interfaces en ligne de commande (CLI), clients lourds, applications mobiles, etc. En attendant l'arrivée de Kotlin 2.0, n'est-ce pas le moment idéal de voir tout qu'on peut de faire actuellement et dans le futur en Kotlin ? Cet atelier vous permettra de découvrir comment développer différents types d'applications aux travers d'exercices pratiques. Voici un tour d'horizon de ce que vous allez y découvrir : Le meilleur des fonctionnalités du language Kotlin (Null safety, la programmation fonctionnelle...) Développer une API Rest avec Spring Boot, avec Ktor Développer un monorepo Kotlin multi-plateforme avec un serveur et des application web, desktop, iOS et Android Et bien d'autres fonctionnalités #WASM, #Kotlin Native, #Coroutines #DataScience... N'hésitez plus, installez la dernière version d'Android Studio et venez partager cette session avec nous 🚀

February 15th 2024

Lille Android User Group

Vous allez aimer KMP et pas seulement pour Android

Lille, France 🇫🇷

Le développement côté serveur ne vous passionne pas ? Pour beaucoup de développeurs Android, difficile de mettre la main dans des technos backend ou web (trop d’orienté objet, langages verbeux et / ou vieillissants, typage dynamique, etc.). Avec l’évolution de Kotlin, tout est dorénavant possible. L’idée de cette conférence est de vous montrer les avancées de Kotlin dans le cadre du développement frontend via Compose multiplatform (mobile, bureau et web) et du développement full stack avec KMP. Nous parlerons également des perspectives et du futur excitant de l’écosystème.

October 4th 2023

Mobile DevOps Summit 2023

From Android to Multiplatform: leveraging the full potential of Kotlin


Kotlin is a modern and powerful programming language with an ecosystem that enables targeting various platforms and developing all types of apps: servers, mobile apps, web apps, and desktop applications. This means that Android developers are very close to becoming Fullstack and cross-platform developers ! Participants will: - Initiate a cross platform app (web, mobile iOS/Android and desktop) with Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP) and Compose Multiplatform - See live example of other Kotlin possibilities such as a Spring Rest API, Kotlin WASM, Kotlin/JS. The workshop material provides many practical exercices as well as some reading. So, if you want to code or to read, please come to our session.

June 7th 2023

JNation 2023 (Workshop)

Let's discover the many possibilities of Kotlin (Workshop)

Coimbra, Portugal 🇵🇹

Kotlin is a versatile programming language that allows to develop many types of apps: servers, CLIs, Desktop app, mobile apps, etc. This makes the Kotlin ecosystem a very interesting and rich one. So why not take some time to explore this the many possibilities of Kotlin with some code 💪. This coding workshop will show you how to develop different types of apps using Kotlin with practical exercises and solutions. It has the following plan: - Notable Kotlin Features - Development of a Rest API with Spring Boot - Development of a Rest API with Ktor - Development of a multi-platform web, desktop and Android application with Compose Multiplatform - Development of a Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM) project for iOS and Android - Other Kotlin features: KMP, Kotlin Native, Coroutines, etc. Here is the list of prerequisites: - A JDK (preferably the latest LTS version) - IntelliJ (Ultimate or Community) preferably, or VSCode with a Kotlin extension. - For the mobile part with KMM: Android Studio + the "kotlin multiplatform mobile" plugin. - An Android SDK: can be installed with IntelliJ or Android Studio The workshop material is available here: https://worldline.github.io/learning-kotlin/ The source code for this workshop (website and solutions) is available here: https://github.com/worldline/learning-kotlin

April 13th 2023

Devoxx France 2023 (Workshop)

Let's discover the amazing possibilities of Kotlin (Workshop)

Paris, France 🇫🇷

Kotlin is a versatile programming language that allows to develop many types of apps: servers, CLIs, Desktop apps, mobile apps, etc. This makes the Kotlin ecosystem very interesting and rich. So why not take some time to explore the many possibilities of Kotlin


Name Abstract Link
Kotlin Multiplatform Kotlin is a modern and powerful programming language with an ecosystem that enables targeting various platforms and developing all types of apps: servers, mobile apps, web apps, and desktop applications. This means that Android developers are very close to becoming Fullstack and cross-platform developers ! 🌐Source
Android Android is a mobile operating system developed by Google. It is based on the Linux kernel and is used by more than 3.5 billion mobile devices around the world. 🌐Source
Flutter Flutter is Google’s UI toolkit for building beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. 🌐Source
DevOps for developers A pragmatic approach to learn basic principles of DevOps for developers including Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, and Infrastructure as Code. 🌐Source
POO with Java A practical introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) with Java. This course will cover the basics of OOP, including classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation. 🌐Source